Why People Slammed The Door In Anger Here Is The Reason Behind This

Why People Slammed The Door In Anger Here Is The Reason Behind This

Doorway Effect: If someone has to face the most anger in the world, then it is the doors of the houses. From children to elders, most of the people, when angry, vent their anger by banging the door hard. The interesting thing is that after a while the anger starts to subside. But, what is the reason behind this? Actually, the whole psychology works behind this. Let’s understand how…

That’s why people slam the door

Scientists have named the reason for this as the Doorway Effect. According to science, this is a kind of venting effect and it reduces anger. But one of the reasons for reducing anger is also believed that when we reach from one door to another, the old memory starts to weaken and it also affects anger. That is, as soon as we pass through a room and reach the door, we forget the old things. However, this happens for a very short time (a few seconds). But, this much time is enough for the anger to subside. Psychologists call this the door effect or door threshold theory.

Emotions change when you change place

Initially, in the year 2006, Gabriel A. Radvensky studied the Doorway Effect. In which the first experiment was done on about 300 people. It was found in the study that when people cross the door to come from one room to another, the memory of the previous room gets blurred for some time. Australia’s Bond University also did research on the Doorway Effect in the year 2021. Psychologist Oliver Bowman added virtual rooms in addition to real rooms in this research. Whose result was also same. This is the reason why a strong emotion gets lighter on changing the place. This is the reason why patients of stress or depression are often advised to change air and water.

Anger is calm even by voice

There is another reason why anger subsides on closing the door. Actually, the sound that comes from the door helps in balancing the mind. Guilt arises from this, which reminds us that perhaps a little mistake might have been made by you as well. Usually door slamming is seen more in teenage people.

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